Snowfakery Documentation

Snowfakery is a tool for generating fake data that has relations between tables. Every row is faked data, but also unique and random, like a snowflake.

To tell Snowfakery what data you want to generate, you need to write a Recipe file in YAML.

Snowfakery can write its output to stdout, or any database accessible to SQLAlchemy. When it is embedded in CumulusCI it can output to a Salesforce org. Adding new output formats is a fairly straightforward process.


Please start by installing Python. Whether or not you are installing CumulusCI, you can install Python by using the instructions from the CumulusCI site.

But while you’re at it, why not install CumulusCI too?

Next, you can go to a terminal and install Snowfakery:

$ pip3 install pipx
$ pipx install snowfakery

If you want to use Snowfakery within CumulusCI, you can find instructions for that in Using Snowfakery within CumulusCI.

After installation, you should be able to invoke Snowfakery like this:

$ snowfakery somefile.yml

Central Concepts

Snowfakery recipes are specified in a YAML format. YAML is a relatively simple, human-readable format. You can learn more about it at But you can also just pick up the basics of it by reading along with the examples below.

YAML uses indentation to say which parts of the file are related to each other. Let’s get started with a stupidly simple example recipe:


- object: Person
    name: Buster Bluth
    age: 35

We run this example through Snowfakery like this:

$ snowfakery docs/examples/simple_static.yml

This simple example will generate a single record that looks like this:

Person(id=1, name=Buster Bluth, age=35)

In other words, it is a person record with 3 fields:

Field id name age
Value 1 Buster Bluth 35

Two of the fields include data from the YAML file. The ID is auto-generated.

Note: Snowfakery only works for models which are amenable to having an id column on every record. Your tools can use the column, ignore the column, or exchange it for another kind of ID (as CumulusCI does, with Salesforce) but Snowfakery always generates IDs and refers between tables with IDs. Future versions might include a command line option to turn this behaviour on or off.

Let’s make this example more interesting:


- object: Person
  count: 3
        fake: name
          min: 12
          max: 95

What did we say here?

Now you should get an output more like this:

Person(id=1, name=Allison Garcia, age=94)
Person(id=2, name=Megan Campos, age=67)
Person(id=3, name=Katherine Nelson, age=92)

We have created people! Or at least fake personas for people! And every time you run it, you will get a different set of “people”.

So that’s pretty cool, but it doesn’t use much of Snowfakery’s power. Let's go deeper.


- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
        min: 12
        max: 95
      - object: Animal
            fake: first_name
          species: canine
            - object: PetFood
                name: Pets Choice
                cost: $10

          - object: Animal
                fake: first_name
              species: feline
                - object: PetFood
                    name: Pets Choice
                    cost: $1

If you’re lost: don't worry! Those are a lot of new concepts at once, and you don't have to understand everything in this example right now. We'll come back to these concepts one by one.

But in case you’re in a hurry: In this case we're creating 3 Person objects. Each one has a name, age, dog and cat. Each dog or cat is an Animal, so we'll get 2 animals per Person or a total of 6. Each animal has a favorite food, so we'll get 6 PetFood objects as well.

Relationship diagramLater, we’ll discuss how we could have just 2 PetFood objects which are shared. We’ll also discuss how we could randomly select a Pet species or Food.


Snowfakery builds on a tool called SQLAlchemy, so it gets a variety of database connectors for free:

When integrated with CumulusCI (see Advanced Features) it is possible to output to a Salesforce instance.

Snowfakery can also output JSON, directories of CSV and object diagrams.

CSV output goes to a directory with one CSV file per table and a JSON manifest file in the csvw format.


The main, core concept in the language is an “Object Template”. It basically represents instructions on how to create a Row (or multiple rows) in a database. Rows in turn represent real-world entities like People, Places or Things and that’s why we use the keyword “Object”. "Record" is another term for "Row"

Each Row has a type, which represents — for example — the name of the table it goes in if it is headed for a relational database, or which CSV file it goes in it if it is destined to be output as CSV. You declare the type after the keyword object.

Just as in an Object Relational system, you can think of “Objects” or “Rows” as synonyms (and also synoym with what some systems such as Salesforce call “Records”). Rows are how we represent objects in tables or files.

The rows which are generated will each have a unique an ID.


- object: Person
  count: 10
      fake: name
        min: 12
        max: 95

We can see above 3 of the main properties of Object Templates:

You can also have more than one object template for any particular Row Type (i.e. relational table, CSV file, Salesforce Object, ...).


- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
        min: 12
        max: 95
- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
        min: 0
        max: 12

In this case, there will be 6 Persons in the Person table (or file), 3 with age between 0 and 12 and 3 with age between 12 and 95.


Sometimes you want to obey a rule like “For every Person I create, I’d like to create 2 animals” (maybe you really like animals).

You would use the friends property to do that.

- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
        min: 12
        max: 95
  friends: # I get by with a little help from ...
    - object: Animal
      count: 2
          fake: first_name

This will output two animals per person:

Person(id=1, name=Sierra Ortega, age=91)
Animal(id=1, name=Sarah)
Animal(id=2, name=Brian)
Person(id=2, name=Robert Haley, age=42)
Animal(id=3, name=Michele)
Animal(id=4, name=Jonathan)
Person(id=3, name=Jason White, age=35)
Animal(id=5, name=John)
Animal(id=6, name=Kimberly)

Relationship diagram

There is no explicit relationship between the animals and the people in this case, but sometimes you do want such an implicit “relationship” between the number of one object created and the number of the other.

You can also use this feature for Many to One.


Relationships are a big part of what makes Snowfakery different than the dozens(!) of tools for data generation out there. For example, we can relate pets to their owners like this:

- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
      - object: Animal
            fake: first_name
          species: Petaurus Breviceps

Now each of the 3 people has a Sugar glider for a pet. Which is a good thing, as long as they know how to take care of them.

Let’s look at what that generates:

Person(id=1, name=Rachel Thompson, pet=Animal(1))
Animal(id=2, name=Charles, species=Petaurus Breviceps)
Person(id=2, name=Alexander Zhang, pet=Animal(2))
Animal(id=3, name=Thomas, species=Petaurus Breviceps)
Person(id=3, name=Lisa King, pet=Animal(3))

Relationship Diagram

In addition, we can relate pets and owners “bidirectionally”, like this:


- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
      - object: Animal
            fake: first_name
            reference: Person

Now person has a field called pet which refers to Animal rows and those animals have a field called owner which refers to a Person row. That’s called a bidirectional relationship. It goes both ways. Not all relationships have to be bi, but sometimes it’s what your schema demands.

Let’s look at the output:

Animal(id=1, name=Nicole, owner=Person(1))
Person(id=1, name=Steven Ellis, pet=Animal(1))
Animal(id=2, name=Richard, owner=Person(2))
Person(id=2, name=Chad Delacruz, pet=Animal(2))
Animal(id=3, name=Tammie, owner=Person(3))
Person(id=3, name=Corey Zamora, pet=Animal(3))

Relationship Diagram

The relationship from the Person to the Animal is called pet and it is expressed simply by embedding the template for Animal in the field named pet.

The relationship from Animal to Person is called owner and it is expressed using the reference function. The function looks up the YAML tree for the relevant Person row.

Sometimes you need to express a relationship between two rows that are not directly related in the hierarchy. You can do this using “nicknames”.


- object: PetFood
  nickname: petschoice
    name: Pets Choice
    cost: $10

- object: PetFood
  nickname: vetschoice
    name: Vets Choice
    cost: $12

- object: Person
  count: 3
      fake: name
      - object: Animal
        nickname: dog
            reference: Person
            fake: first_name
          species: canine
            reference: petschoice

      - object: Animal
          owner: Person
            fake: first_name
          species: feline
          nemesis: dog
            reference: vetschoice
PetFood(id=1, name=Pets Choice, cost=$10)
PetFood(id=2, name=Vets Choice, cost=$12)
Animal(id=1, owner=Person, name=Dustin, species=canine, food=PetFood(1))
Animal(id=2, owner=Person, name=Edwin, species=feline, nemesis=dog, food=PetFood(2))
Person(id=1, name=Antonio Martin, dog=Animal(1), cat=Animal(2))
Animal(id=3, owner=Person, name=Kristy, species=canine, food=PetFood(1))
Animal(id=4, owner=Person, name=Bryan, species=feline, nemesis=dog, food=PetFood(2))
Person(id=2, name=Hunter Wright, dog=Animal(3), cat=Animal(4))
Animal(id=5, owner=Person, name=Gregory, species=canine, food=PetFood(1))
Animal(id=6, owner=Person, name=Veronica, species=feline, nemesis=dog, food=PetFood(2))
Person(id=3, name=Rebecca Williams, dog=Animal(5), cat=Animal(6))

Relationship Diagram


The basic rule is that the last row (object) created with the nickname is the one that is referenced.

Function Blocks

Fields can refer to functions which randomize, compute or look up data. We can do that by nesting the function name under the field name or by using formulas. (Simple Formulas)


This function allows you to look up another row (object) and make a reference to it.

- object: Animal
      fake: first_name
      reference: Person

The reference function looks for another object by table name (Person, in this example) or a nicknamed object by nickname.

If an object was created earlier in the recipe, and it has the appropriate nickname or tablename, that object is the target reference.

Otherwise, the reference can be to an object that has not been created yet. Snowfakery will generate an ID for the object so that the current row can be generated. No other properties of the other object can be referred to, because it does not exist yet.

Snowfakery (and CumulusCI) allow one to loop over a recipe many times to generate multiple rows. In this case, references are always to objects created within the current "batch" of a recipe and never to a previous batch with only one exception: objects marked 'just_once' are always created only in the first run and references to them are to the objects created in that first batch.


Function to choose an option randomly from a list:

    - Cash
    - Cheque
    - Credit Card

You can either pick with even odds as above, or supply odds as a percentage:

    Closed Won: 60%
    In Progress: 20%
    New: 20%

You can do more sophisticated randomness with features that will be discussed in the section Random Weights That Are Not Percentages.

A more elaborate form of random_choice can also be used to select randomly among potential child objects.

- object : Task
          - object: Contact
                FirstName: Bart
                LastName: Simpson
          - object: Lead
                FirstName: Marge
                LastName: Simpson


Create a reference to a random, already-created row from some table.

- object: Owner
  count: 10
- object: Pet
  count: 10
        random_reference: Owner

The selected row could be any one that matches the object type and was already created in the current iteration of the recipe. For example, the recipe above was executed 20 times (iterations) to generate 200 Pets and Owners, the selected rows in the first iteration would be one of the first 10 Owners and the ones picked in the last iteration would be one of the last 10.

Snowfakery cannot currently generate a random reference based on a nickname or to a row created in a previous or future iteration of the recipe. If you need these features, contact the Snowfakery team through a github issue.


Generate fake data using functions from the faker library:

- object: Account
      fake: company
      fake: catch_phrase
      fake: street_address
      fake: city
      fake: state

You can fake all sorts of stuff. Names, addresses, Latin text, English sentences, URLs, etc. The complete list is here:

You can also include Faker extension libraries after you’ve added them to your Python install:

 - plugin: faker_microservice.Provider
 - object: OBJ

You would install that provider like this:

$ pip install faker_microservice

Here are some Python Faker providers:

And you could make your own providers as well.

Fake can be called as an inline function in an expression:

FullName: ${{fake.first_name}} Johnson

You can also call these functions with arguments as described in Faker's documentation

country: ${{fake.country_code(representation='alpha-2')}}

International Fakes

You can specify internationally appropriate fakes for many different kind of names (e.g. person, company) by setting the snowfakery_locale this:

- var: snowfakery_locale
  value: no_NO
- object: person
      fake: name
- var: snowfakery_locale
  value: fr_FR
- object: person
      fake: name```

This will generate a “typical” Norwegian first name for the first person object and a French name for the second person object.

You can infer which Faker providers are internationalizable by looking through the Faker [repository]( and seeing which directories have localizations. For example there are only three localizations of [credit card]( (who knew that credit cards were different in Iran and Russia) and dozens of localizations for [person name](

### `date_between`

Pick a random date in some date range

- object: OBJ
            start_date: 2000-01-01
            end_date: today

That would pick a date between Y2K and the present day.

The options start_date and end_date can take the following forms:

Examples: Pick a date between 30 days ago and 108 days in the future:

    start_date: -30d
    end_date: +180d

date_between can also be used as a function in formulas:

wedding_date: Our big day is ${{date_between(start_date="2022-01-31", end_date="2022-12-31")}}


Pick a random number in a range specified by min and max:

    min: 12
    max: 95

If the number should be divsible by some other number (e.g. only multiples of 10) then you can supply a "step".

    min: 10
    max: 90
    step: 10

As the name step implies, and to be a bit more precise, the output number minus min will be a multiple of the step. So this would generate one of 12, 17 or 22:

    min: 12
    max: 23
    step: 5

random_number can also be used as a function in formulas:

some_number: A number ${{random_number(min=5, max=10)}}


If allows you to make field values conditional on other field values.

- object: Person
        - choice:
            probability: 40%
            pick: Male
        - choice:
            probability: 40%
            pick: Female
        - choice:
            probability: 20%
            pick: Other
        - choice:
            when: ${{gender=='Male'}}
              fake: first_name_male

        - choice:
            when: ${{gender=='Female'}}
              fake: first_name_female

        - choice:
              fake: first_name

The when clause can be a Python formula and it will be interpreted as a boolean similar to how Python would do it. The first when clause that matches is selected. The last choice clause should have no when clause, and it is a fallback which is selected if the others do not match.

Formula functions and variables

The functions below are designed to be used inside of formulas:

The child_index variable returns a counter of how many objects from this template were generated during the execution of the nearest parent template. It resets each time the parent template is executed again.

child_index: Child number ${{child_index}}

The id variable returns a unique identifier for the current Object/Row to allow you to construct unique identifiers.

  name: ${{fake.last_name}} Household ${{id}}

The today variable returns a date representing the current date. This date will not chanage during the execution of a single recipe.

The fake variable gives access to faker as described elsewhere in this documentation.

The variable is a unique identifyer representing the current Object Template (as opposed to Object/Row).

The context.filename variable represents the file containing the template. This is useful for relative paths.

The date function can either coerce a string into a date object for calculations OR generate a new date object from year/month/day parts:

    the_date: ${{date("2018-10-30")}}
    another_date: ${{date(year=2018, month=11, day=30)}}

The relativedelta function from dateutil is available for use in calculations like this:

${{ date(Date_Established__c) + relativedelta(months=child_index) }}


Macros allow you to re-use groups of fields instead of repeating them manually.


 - macro: canine
      sound: barks
      legs: 4
      family: Caninae

 - object: Animal
   include: canine
      species: dog
      home: inside

 - object: Animal
   include: canine
      species: wolf
      home: outside

Which generates:

Animal(id=1, sound=barks, legs=4.0, family=Caninae, species=dog, home=inside)
Animal(id=2, sound=barks, legs=4.0, family=Caninae, species=wolf, home=outside)

You can include more than one group of macros:


  - macro: canine
      sound: barks
      legs: 4
      family: Caninae

  - macro: domestic
      home: inside
      eats: petfood

  - object: Animal
    count: 2
    include: canine, domestic
      name: dog

Which generates:

Animal(id=1, sound=barks, legs=4.0, family=Caninae, home=inside, eats=petfood, species=dog)
Animal(id=2, sound=barks, legs=4.0, family=Caninae, home=inside, eats=petfood, species=dog)

Macros can themselves include other macros.

Macros are especially powerful if you combine them with the include_file feature which allows one file to include another. Your organization can make a library of the most common object types you work with and then just override fields to combine them or specialize them.

Fields or friends declared in the macros listed later override those listed earlier. Fields or friends declared in the Object Template override those declared in macros.

Defining Variables

Sometimes you may want to generate a value (e.g. a locale name or surname) shared by multiple templates. You can do that like this:

- var: lastname_var
    fake: last_name
- object: person
      fake: first_name
    last_name: ${{lastname_var}}
- object: spouse
      fake: first_name
    last_name: ${{lastname_var}}

This works both at the top level of your recipe and in friends lists.

If you would like to group several fields together you can do that by creating a "hidden" object:

- var: shared_address
    - object: __shared_address
          fake: street_address
          fake: city
          fake: state

Including files

You can include a file by a relative path:

- include_file: child.yml

This pulls in all of the declarations from that file. That file can itself include other files.

Simple Formulas

Sometimes you would like to include data from another field into the one you are defining now. You can do that with the formula language.

- object: Sale
            min: 10
            max: 20
            min: 10
            max: 20
    message: Thanks for buying ${{num_items}} items @ $${{per_item_price}} each!

Formula Language

You can make your data more dynamic by using formulas. Formulas use the same functions described in Function Blocks, but they can be used inline like this:

- object: Sale
  count: 2
    per_item_price: ${{random_number(20, 50)}}
    number_of_items: 3
    total: ${{per_item_price * number_of_items}}
    message: Thank you for buying $${{total}} items!

There is a lot to say about formulas and one day they will all be documented here. In the meantime, here are some general principles:

Formulas are based on a similar language called Jinja2, but we use ${{ and }} where Jinja2 uses {{ and }} because our version is more compatible with YAML.

The relevant section of the Jinja document is called Expressions. It includes information about Literals, Math, Comparisons, Logic, Other Operators, If Expressions, Python Methods and Builtin Filters.

In theory you could use Jinja keywords like ${% if (as opposed to {% if) but it isn’t clear under what circumstances that would be necessary.

Template File Options

Hard-coding the exact number of records to create into a template file is not always the ideal thing.

You can pass options (numbers, strings, booleans) to your generator recipe from a command line.

The first step is to declare the options in your template file:

- option: num_accounts
  default: 10

If you do not specify a default, the option is required and the template will not be processed without it.

In your recipe, you use the value by referring to it in a formula:

- object: Account
  count: ${{num_accounts}}

Of course you can do any math you want in the formula:

- object: Account
  count: ${{num_accounts / 2}}
        type: A
- object: Account
  count: ${{num_accounts / 2}}
        type: B

And then you pass that option like this:

    --option numaccounts 10

Command Line Interface

You can learn the list of options available in the latest version like this:

$ snowfakery --help

Usage: snowfakery [OPTIONS] YAML_FILE

      Generates records from a YAML file

      Records can go to:
          * stdout (default)
          * JSON file (--output_format=json --output-file=foo.json)
          * diagram file (--output_format=png --output-file=foo.png)
          * a database identified by --dburl (e.g. --dburl sqlite:////tmp/foo.db)
          * or to a directory as a set of CSV files (--output-format=csv --output-folder=csvfiles)

      Diagram output depends on the installation of graphviz 

      Full documentation here:


  --dburl TEXT                    URL for database to save data to. Use
                                  sqlite:///foo.db if you don't have one set

  --output-format [JSON|json|PNG|png|SVG|svg|svgz|jpeg|jpg|ps|dot|txt|csv]
  --output-folder PATH
  -o, --output-file PATH
  --option EVAL_ARG...            Options to send to the recipe YAML.
  --target-number TEXT...         Target options for the recipe YAML in the
                                  form of 'number tablename'. For example: '50

  --debug-internals / --no-debug-internals
  --cci-mapping-file PATH
  --generate-cci-mapping-file PATH
  --generate-continuation-file FILENAME
                                  A file that captures information about how
                                  to continue a multi-batch data generation

  --continuation-file FILENAME    Continue generating a dataset where
                                  'continuation-file' left off

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Scaling up recipe execution

From the command line you can control how many rows a recipe generates. You do this by specifying a "target count" and a "target tablename", like this:

snowfakery accounts.yml --target-number 1000 Account

The counting works like this:

So if your recipe creates 10 Accounts, 5 Contacts and 15 Opportunities, then when you run the command above it will run the recipe 100 times (1000/10=100) which will generate 1000 Accounts, 500 Contacts and 1500 Opportunites.

CSV Output

You create a CSV directory like this:

$ snowfakery template.yml --output-format csv --output-folder csvfiles

This would generate a directory that looks like:


If you do not specify an output-folder, the files will be created in the current folder.

The CSVW JSON file is a sort of manifest for all of the CSV files.

Advanced Features

Singletons with the "just_once" feature

Snowfakery scales up to larger data volumes by evaluating your recipe over and over again. Each one is called an iteration.

Some objects are meant to be produced only once, regardless of how many times the recipe executes. The programming language term for this is a "singleton". For example an accounting system might generate a dataset that has exactly 2 Ledger objects, Checking and Savings. You could have dozens of Entries per Ledger or maybe billions. But it might want to always generate exactly 2 Ledgers.

Here is how you would do that:

- object: Ledger
  just_once: True
  nickname: Checking
    Name: Checking

- object: Ledger
  just_once: True
  nickname: Savings
    Name: Savings

- object: Entry
  count: 1000
    Ledger: Checking

- object: Entry
  count: 1000
    Ledger: Savings

Now if you execute this from the Snowfakery command line like this:

$ snowfakery accounting.yml --target-number 10_000 Entry

You will get 2 Ledger rows and 5000 Entry rows attached to each of the Ledger rows. If you scale the recipe up to 1M, you will still get only two Ledger rows.

Hidden Fields and Objects

As described earlier, fields can refer to each other. For example field c could be the sum of fields a and b. Or perhaps you only want to output PersonLastName if PersonFirstName was set, and PersonFirstName is set randomly.

If you want to create a value which will be used in computations but not output in the final database or CSV, you do so by creating a field value prefixed by two underscores.

You can even do this with Object Templates to generate “objects” which are never saved as rows to your database, Salesforce org or output file.


- object: Dates
    __total_months: 48
    __first_month: ${{today - relativedelta(months=__total_months)}}
    __end_of_first_quarter: ${{date(__first_month) + relativedelta(months=3)}}
    ProgramStartDate: ${{__first_month}}
        start_date: ${{__first_month}}
        end_date: ${{__end_of_first_quarter}}
    ProgramEndDate: ${{date(__first_month) + relativedelta(months=12)}}

Which would output:

Dates(id=1, ProgramStartDate=2016-11-30, FirstEvent=2017-02-24, ProgramEndDate=2017-11-30)

Random Weights that are not Percentages

Consider the following field definition:

    Closed Won: 5
    In Progress: 3
    New: 4

Observant readers will note that the values do not add up to 100. That’s fine. Closed Won will be selected 5/12 of the time, In Progress will be picked 3/12 and New will be picked 4/12 of the time. They are just weights, not necessarily percentage weights.

Plugins and Providers

Plugins and Providers allow Snowfakery to be extended with Python code. A plugin adds new functions to Snowfakery. A Provider adds new capabilities to the Fakery library which is exposed to Snowfakery users through the fake: keyword.

You include either Plugins or Providers in a Snowfakery file like this:

- plugin: package.module.classname

To write a new Provider, please refer to the documentation for Faker at

Many to One relationships

In relational databases, child records typically have a reference to their parent record but the opposite is not true. For example, if a Company object (record) relates to many Employee objects (records) you would model it like this:

# examples/company.yml
- object: Company
      fake: company

- object: Employee
  nickname: Employee 1
      fake: name
      - object: Company

- object: Employee
  nickname: Employee 1
      fake: name
      - object: Company

Which generates:

Company(id=1, Name=Nelson-Sampson)
Employee(id=1, Name=Julie Turner, EmployedBy=Company(2))
Employee(id=2, Name=Amanda Martin, EmployedBy=Company(3))

Now what if you want to generate 10 companies with 100 employees per company? It's actually really easy, using either the "friends" feature of Snowfakery OR the hidden field feature.

Here's how to use the "friends" feature in this case:

# examples/company2.yml
- object: Company
  count: 10
      fake: company
    - object: Employee
      count: 100
      nickname: Employee 1
          fake: name
          reference: Company

And here's how to use the "hidden fields"([#hidden-fields-and-objects]) feature:

# examples/company3.yml
- object: Company
  count: 10
      fake: company
      - object: Employee
        count: 100
        nickname: Employee 1
            fake: name
            reference: Company

Built-in Plugins

Advanced Math

Snowfakery has a "Math" plugin which gives you access to all features from Python's math module plus min, max and round.

For example:

  - plugin: snowfakery.standard_plugins.Math
  - object: OBJ
          Math.sqrt: ${{Math.min(144, 169)}}


  - plugin: snowfakery.standard_plugins.Math
  - object: OBJ
      twelve: ${Math.sqrt}

External datasets

Snowfakery can incorporate data from external CSV files or databases as datasets.

Iterating over CSV datasets

Here is an example of a simple CSV-based dataset:

420,Kings Ave,Burnaby,85633
421,Granville Street,White Rock,85633
422,Kingsway Road,Richmond,85633


Note that the column names come from the first row.

Here is how we can use those rows:

- plugin: snowfakery.standard_plugins.datasets.Dataset
- object: Person
  count: 10
      fake: name

        dataset: addresses.csv
    StreetAddress: ${{__address_from_csv.Number}} ${{__address_from_csv.Street}}
    City: ${{__address_from_csv.City}}


The plugin only needs to be declared once per recipe.

The double-underscore ("dunder") syntax is described in [#hidden-fields-and-objects]. In this context it is used to grab a whole CSV row and give it a name so that we can pull out specific columns by name later.

The Dataset.iterate function block pulls each row from the dataset in order, one for each Person. It will go back to the top after it has used every row.

So it would generate output like this:

$ snowfakery examples/datasets/datasets.recipe.yml 
Person(id=1, Name=Dawn Gray, StreetAddress=420 Kings Ave, City=Burnaby)
Person(id=2, Name=Melissa Walker, StreetAddress=421 Granville Street, City=White Rock)
Person(id=3, Name=Roberto Simon, StreetAddress=422 Kingsway Road, City=Richmond)
Person(id=4, Name=Miss Jessica Ramsey, StreetAddress=420 Kings Ave, City=Burnaby)
Person(id=5, Name=Bobby Sutton, StreetAddress=421 Granville Street, City=White Rock)
Person(id=6, Name=Tiffany Cox, StreetAddress=422 Kingsway Road, City=Richmond)
Person(id=7, Name=Ethan Potts, StreetAddress=420 Kings Ave, City=Burnaby)
Person(id=8, Name=Tamara Farley, StreetAddress=421 Granville Street, City=White Rock)
Person(id=9, Name=Austin Wong, StreetAddress=422 Kingsway Road, City=Richmond)
Person(id=10, Name=Kelly Jones, StreetAddress=420 Kings Ave, City=Burnaby)
Iterating over SQL database datasets

If the reference to a dataset is a URL instead, Snowfakery will attempt to use it as a reference to a database. Out of the box Snowfakery supports sqlite:/// urls as described in the documentation for SQL Alchemy.

That would look exactly like above except for this line:

   dataset: sqlite:///addresses.db

Depending on the context, other database URLs may work as well, if the context has appropriate drivers installed. Only SQLite is part of our test suite, however.

If a SQL dataset has more than one table, you must specify which table to use like this:

        dataset: addresses.csv
        table: addresses
Shuffling Data

If you would rather the rows be pulled out in random order, you have two options. The simplest thing is to shuffle it in your Snowfakery recipe like this:

        dataset: addresses.csv
Shuffling data in advance

If you experience performance or memory usage problems with big datasets, you might want to shuffle your data into a random order before using it in Snowfakery. Snowfakery's source repository includes a simplistic tool called which can do that for CSV files. You feed it a CSV on stdin and it will generate another one on stdout like this:

$ python tools/ < examples/datasets/addresses.csv > examples/datasets/shuffled.csv

This script does not currently support CSVs that include newlines within fields.

Doing something equivalent for a SQLite or other database would involve writing a script using the clause order by random(). This is also how Snowfakery does its randomization internally, so it would not gain you very much if you are only running the Snowfakery recipe once. It could, however, save you time if you were running the Snowfakery recipe over and over, because the shuffling would happen just once.

Custom Plugins

To write a new Plugin, make a class that inherits from SnowfakeryPlugin and implements either the custom_functions() method or a Functions nested class. The nested class is simple: each method represents a function to expose in the namespace. In this case the function name would be DoublingPlugin.double.

class DoublingPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def double(self, value):
            return value * 2

Alternately, you can implement the custom_functions method to return an object with the attributes that implement your namespace:

class Doubler:
  def double(self, value):
      return value * 2
class DoublingPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    def custom_functions(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return Doubler()

Make sure to accept *args and **kwargs to allow for future extensibility of the method signature.

Despite the name, plugins can also include data values rather than functions in either form of plugin. Plugins essentially use Python's getattr to find attributes, properties, methods or functions in the namespace of the object you return from custom_functions().

Plugin functions can store persistent information in a Python dictionary called self.context.context_vars(). It will always be supplied to your plugin. For example, here is a simple plugin that counts:

class PluginThatCounts(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def count(self):
            context_vars = self.context.context_vars()
            context_vars.setdefault("count", 0)
            context_vars["count"] += 1
            return context_vars["count"]

Plugins also have access to a dictionary called self.context.field_vars() whic represents the values that would be available to a formula running in the same context.

Plugins can return normal Python primitive types,, ObjectRow or PluginResult objects. ObjectRow objects represent new output records/objects. PluginResult objects expose a namespace that other code can access through dot-notation. PluginResults can be initialized with either a dict or an object that exposes the namespace through Python getattr().

If your plugin generates some special kind of data value which should be serializable as a primitive type (usually a string), subclass PluginResult and add a simplify method to your PluginResult. That method should return a Python primitive value.

In the rare event that a plugin has a function which need its arguments to be passed to it unevaluated, for later (perhaps conditional) evaluation, you can use the @snowfakery.lazy decorator. Then you can evaluate the arguments with self.context.evaluate().

For example:

class DoubleVisionPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def do_it_twice(self, value):
            "Evaluates its argument 0 times or twice"
            rc = f"{self.context.evaluate(value)} : {self.context.evaluate(value)}"

          return rc

Every second time this is called, it will evaluate its argument twice, and stick the two results into a string. For example, if it were called with a call to random_number, you would get two different random numbers rather than the same number twice. If it were called with the counter from above, you would get two different counter values in the string.

  - plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.DoubleVisionPlugin
  - plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.PluginThatNeedsState
  - object: OBJ
          - DoubleVisionPlugin.do_it_twice:
              - abc
          - DoubleVisionPlugin.do_it_twice:
              - ${{PluginThatNeedsState.count()}}

This would output an OBJ row with values:

  {'id': 1, 'some_value': 'abc : abc', 'some_value_2': '1 : 2'})

Occasionally you might write a plugin which needs to evaluate its parameters lazily but doesn't care about the internals of the values because it just returns it to some parent context. In that case, use context.evaluate_raw instead of context.evaluate.

Using Snowfakery with Salesforce

Snowfakery recipes that generate Salesforce records are just like any other Snowfakery recipes. You use SObject names for the 'objects'. There are several examples in the Snowfakery repository

To specify a record type for a record, just put the Record Type’s API Name in a field named RecordType.

The process of actually generating the data into a Salesforce org happens through CumulusCI as described below.

Using Snowfakery within CumulusCI

CumulusCI is a tool and framework for building portable automation for Salesforce projects. It is created by the same team that creates Snowfakery.

The easiest way to learn about CumulusCI (and to learn how to install it) is with its Trailhead Trail.

CumulusCI's documentation describes how to use it with Snowfakery. Here is a short example:

$ cci task run generate_and_load_from_yaml -o generator_yaml examples/salesforce/Contact.recipe.yml -o num_records 300 -o num_records_tablename Contact --org qa

You can (and more often will) use generate_and_load_from_yaml from within a flow captured in in a cumulusci.yml, like the one in the Snowfakery repo.

If you have CumulusCI configured and you would like to test this, you can do so like this (the Snowfakery repo itself has a cumulusci.yml):

$ git clone
$ cd Snowfakery
$ cci task run generate_opportunities_and_contacts
$ cci flow run test_everything

Using Snowfakery with Databases

Snowfakery is built on top of a very flexible engine called SQLAlchemy. This allows it to connect to many different databases subject to the limitations described below.

You should start by installing Snowfakery in a context which makes it easy to use the Python command 'pip' to manage your Python environment. For example you could install Python using the standard installers from and then you would run the following commands to create and use a venv with the Postgres plugin:

# create a new directory for our experiment
$ mkdir experiment_with_postgres
# cd into it
$ cd experiment_with_postgres
# create a new database: 
$ createdb snowfakerydb
# create a virtual environment. A good habit to get into.
$ python3 -m venv myvenv
# activate the venv
$ source myvenv/bin/activate
# install Snowfakery in this venv
$ pip install snowfakery
# install the Postgres library for Python
$ pip install psycopg2
# let's use it!
$ snowfakery --dburl='postgresql://localhost:5432/snowfakerydb' ~/code/Snowfakery/examples/company.yml --target-number 1000 Employee
# and check the results
$ echo 'select * from "Employee"' | psql snowfakerydb

That's a lot to take in, but hopefully it will be clear enough to follow the links and understand the details.

A limitation of this process is that currently Snowfakery can only create new tables rather than import into existing ones.

The table will have an id column in addition to columns for every field that was generated by the recipe. All columns will be of type text.

The list of databases supported by our underlying infrastructure (SQLAlchemy) is listed here and here.

Snowfakery is not proactively tested with all of the output databases. We will certainly accept bug reports and pull requests relating to problems that are discovered.

Please keep in touch with the Snowfakery team about your use of other databases so we can have a sense of what works well and what does not.

Snowfakery Glossary

Using Snowfakery within Python

You can embed Snowfakery in a Python application like this:

from snowfakery import generate_data

    option=[("A", "B")],
    target_number=(20, "Employee"),

The parameters to the function closely mirror the arguments to the Command Line Interface. Their type signatures are:

    yaml_file: Union[Path, str],
    option: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [],
    dburl: str = None,
    target_number: Optional[Tuple[int, str]] = None,
    debug_internals: bool = False,
    output_format: str = None,
    output_file: Path = None,
    output_folder: Path = None,
    continuation_file: Path = None,

Internal Software Architecture

Filename Purpose Click-based Command Line. Uses the Click library to supply a CLI. The API entry point the CLI and CCI use.

This may be the best place to start reading. It abstracts away all of the complexity and outlines the core flow. Phase 1: parse YAML into a Runtime DOM

Includes some hacks to the YAML parser for handling line numbers. Phase 2: Runtime.

Actually generate the data by walking the template list top-to-bottom, generating rows as appopriate. An object model used in Phase 2. Roughly similar to the shape of the YAML file. Where the data goes in the output. Used during Phase 2. Exceptions that can be thrown In the CCI context, this utility package allows the generation of mapping.yml files. Functions that can be invoked using either block syntax or in Jinja templates Infrastructure for plugins
standard_plugins/ Plugins that ship with Snowfakery
tests/ Unit tests

Architecture Diagram

Appendix: The Age Old Puzzle

    # As I was going to St. Ives,
    # I met a man with seven wives,
    # Each wife had seven sacks,
    # Each sack had seven cats,
    # Each cat had seven kits:
    # Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
    # How many were there going to St. Ives?
    - object: narrator
    - object: man
          - object: woman
            count: 7
                - object: sack
                  count: 7
                      - object: cat
                        count: 7
                          - object: kit
                            count: 7
    - object: stats
        num_narrators: ${{ }}
        num_men: ${{ }}
        num_women: ${{ }}
        num_sack: ${{ }}
        num_cat: ${{ }}
        num_kittens: ${{ }}
        everyone: ${{  num_men + num_narrators + num_women + num_sack + num_cat + num_kittens }}
        going_to_st_ives: ${{ num_narrators }}

What does it output as its last row?

This (incomplete) picture probably won’t help....

Silly diagram