Extending Snowfakery with Python Code

How Snowfakery Finds Plugins

The basic format is:

- plugin: package.module.classname

Which is equivalent to the Python:

from package.module import classname

If the module name and the classname are the same, this can be shortened to:

- plugin: package.classname

In that case, Snowfakery will automatically expand it to

from package.classname import classname

Fewer keystrokes are better than more, so plugin providers are encouraged to create plugins where the module name and class name are the same.

Snowfakery will look for the plugin or provider in these places:

  • the Python path,
  • in a plugins directory in the same directory as the recipe,
  • in a plugins directory below the current working directory and
  • in a subdirectory of the user's home directory called .snowfakery/plugins.

So for example, if you had a Snowfakery file like this:

- plugin: salesforce.org.DoGood

named do_goodders/do_gooder.recipe.yml, you could make a file named do_gooders/plugins/salesforce/org/DoGood.py

And that file would contain a class like this:

from snowfakery.plugins import SnowfakeryPlugin

class DoGood(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    """Plugin which does good stuff"""

Writing Plugins

To write a new Plugin, make a class that inherits from SnowfakeryPlugin and implements either the custom_functions() method or a Functions nested class. The nested class is simple: each method represents a function to expose in the namespace. In this case the namespace would be DoublingPlugin and the function name double:

# examples/use_doubling_plugin.yml
- plugin: mypackage.DoublingPlugin
- object: sixer
      DoublingPlugin.double: 3
# examples/plugins/mypackage/DoublingPlugin.py
from snowfakery import SnowfakeryPlugin

class DoublingPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def double(self, value):
            return value * 2

Alternately, you can implement the custom_functions method.

In this case you return a Python object that implements your methods.

class Doubler:
  def double(self, value):
      return value * 2

class DoublingPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    def custom_functions(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return Doubler()

Make sure to accept *args and **kwargs to allow for future extensibility of the method signature.

Despite the name, plugins can also include data values rather than functions in either form of plugin. Plugins essentially use Python's getattr to find attributes, properties, methods or functions in the namespace of the object you return from custom_functions().

Plugin functions can store persistent information in a Python dictionary obtained by calling self.context.context_vars(). It will always be supplied to your plugin. For example, here is a simple plugin that counts:

class PluginThatCounts(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def count(self):
            context_vars = self.context.context_vars()
            context_vars.setdefault("count", 0)
            context_vars["count"] += 1
            return context_vars["count"]

Plugins also have access to a dictionary called self.context.field_vars() which represents the values that would be available to a formula running in the same context and self.context.current_filename which is the filename of the YAML file being processed.

Plugin Function Return Values

Plugins can return normal Python primitive types, datetime.date, ObjectRow or PluginResult objects. ObjectRow objects represent new output records/objects. PluginResult objects expose a namespace that other code can access through dot-notation. PluginResult instances can be initialized with either a dict or an object that exposes the namespace through Python getattr().

If your plugin generates some special kind of data value which should be serializable as a primitive type (usually a string), subclass PluginResult and add a simplify() method to your subclass. That method should return a Python primitive value.

Remebering Function Result Values

Plugins can ask Snowfakery to store their result values. In that case, they will only be called once and the value will be used forever in a particular context:

class TimeStampPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def constant_time(self, _=None):
            "Return the current time and then remember it."
            return time.time()

Given the following YAML, there are 4 contexts and therefore 4 unique timestamps:

# examples/plugins/test_timestamp.recipe.yml
- plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.TimeStampPlugin
- object: parent
  count: 2
    - object: A
      count: 2
        foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time()}}
    - object: B
      count: 2
        foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time()}}
    - object: A
      count: 2
        foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time()}}
    - object: B
      count: 2
        foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time()}}
$ snowfakery examples/plugins/test_timestamp.recipe.yml
A(id=1, foo=1626883921.109788)
A(id=2, foo=1626883921.109788)
B(id=1, foo=1626883921.1107168)
B(id=2, foo=1626883921.1107168)
A(id=3, foo=1626883921.111661)
A(id=4, foo=1626883921.111661)
B(id=3, foo=1626883921.1125162)
B(id=4, foo=1626883921.1125162)
A(id=5, foo=1626883921.109788)
A(id=6, foo=1626883921.109788)
B(id=5, foo=1626883921.1107168)
B(id=6, foo=1626883921.1107168)
A(id=7, foo=1626883921.111661)
A(id=8, foo=1626883921.111661)
B(id=7, foo=1626883921.1125162)
B(id=8, foo=1626883921.1125162)

If a function takes arguments and -- for whatever reason -- the argument values change, the memorized value will be recomputed as if it were a new context.

# examples/plugins/test_timestamp_args_change.recipe.yml
- plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.TimeStampPlugin
- object: A
  count: 5
      fake: Name
    foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time(blah)}}
$ snowfakery examples/plugins/test_timestamp_args_change.recipe.yml
A(id=1, foo=1626884493.793962)
A(id=2, foo=1626884493.794135)
A(id=3, foo=1626884493.7942772)
A(id=4, foo=1626884493.794427)
A(id=5, foo=1626884493.794549)

If your function accepts a special argument called "name", Snowfakery will allow the user to reuse the value between contexts.

# examples/plugins/test_timestamp_name_change.recipe.yml
- plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.TimeStampPlugin
- object: A
    foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time(name="first")}}
- object: A
    foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time(name="second")}}
- object: B
    foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time(name="second")}}
- object: A
    foo: ${{TimeStampPlugin.constant_time(name="first")}}
$ snowfakery examples/plugins/test_timestamp_name_change.recipe.yml
A(id=1, foo=1626884822.317738)
A(id=2, foo=1626884822.3186612)
B(id=1, foo=1626884822.3186612)
A(id=3, foo=1626884822.317738)

Memorized objects are recreated on each iteration of Snowfakery.

Plugins with state that changes

Let's imagine we want a plugin that A) reads a file and B) outputs a different line every time it is referred to.

The way to deal with part A is to make a PluginResultIterator that represents the open file. The iterator should have a next method which returns each line. This will fulfill our requirement B.

Here is the whole plugin module, including the PluginResultIterator and Plugin.

# examples/plugins/OpenFiles.py
from snowfakery import SnowfakeryPlugin, PluginResultIterator, memorable
from pathlib import Path

class OpenFiles(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def read_line(self, filename, name=None):
            parent_directory = Path(
            abspath = parent_directory / filename
            return OpenFile(abspath)

class OpenFile(PluginResultIterator):

    # initialize the object's state.
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.file = open(filename, "r")

    # cleanup later
    def close(self):

    # the main logic goes in a method called `next`
    def next(self):
        return self.file.readline().strip()

Here is an example YAML:

# examples/plugins/test_open_file.yml
- plugin: examples.plugins.OpenFiles
- object: WithOpenFile
  count: 3
        filename: poem.txt

And some output:

$ snowfakery examples/plugins/test_open_file.yml
WithOpenFile(id=1, poetry_line=You must never let truth get in the way of beauty,)
WithOpenFile(id=2, poetry_line=or so e.e.cummings believed.)
WithOpenFile(id=3, poetry_line="This is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.")

Iterators are recreated on each iteration of Snowfakery.

As described earlier, you could open two different files using context:

# examples/plugins/test_multiple_open_files.yml
- plugin: examples.plugins.OpenFiles
- object: parent
  count: 3
    - object: WithOpenFile
            filename: poem.txt
    - object: WithOpenFile2
            filename: poem.txt
$ snowfakery examples/plugins/test_multiple_open_files.yml
WithOpenFile(id=1, poetry_line=You must never let truth get in the way of beauty,)
WithOpenFile2(id=1, poetry_line=You must never let truth get in the way of beauty,)
WithOpenFile(id=2, poetry_line=or so e.e.cummings believed.)
WithOpenFile2(id=2, poetry_line=or so e.e.cummings believed.)
WithOpenFile(id=3, poetry_line="This is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.")
WithOpenFile2(id=3, poetry_line="This is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.")

And you could share a context between templates by using a name:

# examples/plugins/test_shared_open_files.yml
- plugin: examples.plugins.OpenFiles
- object: parent
    - object: WithOpenFile
            filename: poem.txt
            name: JohnGreenPoem
    - object: WithOpenFile2
            name: JohnGreenPoem
    - object: WithOpenFile3
            name: JohnGreenPoem

Lazy evaluation

In the rare event that a plugin has a function which need its arguments to be passed to it unevaluated, for later (perhaps conditional) evaluation, you can use the @snowfakery.lazy decorator. Then you can evaluate the arguments with self.context.evaluate().

For example:

class DoubleVisionPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    class Functions:
        def do_it_twice(self, value):
            "Evaluates its argument twice into a string"
            rc = f"{self.context.evaluate(value)} : {self.context.evaluate(value)}"

            return rc

The method will evaluate its argument twice, and stick the two results into a string. For example, if it were called with a call to random_number, you would get two different random numbers rather than the same number twice. If it were called with the counter from above, you would get two different counter values in the string.

  - plugin: tests.test_custom_plugins_and_providers.DoubleVisionPlugin
  - object: OBJ
          - DoubleVisionPlugin.do_it_twice:
              - abc

This would output an OBJ row with values:

  {'id': 1, 'some_value': 'abc : abc', 'some_value_2': '1 : 2'})

Occasionally you might write a plugin which needs to evaluate its parameters lazily but doesn't care about the internals of the values because it just returns it to some parent context. In that case, use context.evaluate_raw() instead of context.evaluate().

Plugins that require "memory" or "state" are possible using PluginResult objects or subclasses. Consider a plugin that generates child objects that include values that sum up values on child objects to a value specified on a parent:

# examples/sum_child_values.yml
# This shows how you could create a plugin or feature where
# a parent object generates child objects which sum up
# to any particular value.

- plugin: examples.sum_totals.SummationPlugin
- var: summation_helper
      total: 100
      step: 10

- object: ParentObject__c
  count: 10
    MinimumChildObjectAmount__c: 10
    MinimumStep: 5
    TotalAmount__c: ${{summation_helper.total}}
    - object: ChildObject__c
      count: ${{summation_helper.count}}
          reference: ParentObject__c
        Amount__c: ${{summation_helper.next_amount}}
        RunningTotal__c: ${{summation_helper.running_total}}

This would generate values like this:

ParentObject__c(id=1, MinimumChildObjectAmount__c=10, MinimumStep=5, TotalAmount__c=100)
ChildObject__c(id=1, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(1), Amount__c=60, RunningTotal__c=60)
ChildObject__c(id=2, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(1), Amount__c=20, RunningTotal__c=80)
ChildObject__c(id=3, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(1), Amount__c=20, RunningTotal__c=100)

ParentObject__c(id=2, MinimumChildObjectAmount__c=10, MinimumStep=5, TotalAmount__c=100)
ChildObject__c(id=4, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(2), Amount__c=40, RunningTotal__c=40)
ChildObject__c(id=5, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(2), Amount__c=20, RunningTotal__c=60)
ChildObject__c(id=6, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(2), Amount__c=40, RunningTotal__c=100)

ParentObject__c(id=3, MinimumChildObjectAmount__c=10, MinimumStep=5, TotalAmount__c=100)
ChildObject__c(id=7, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(3), Amount__c=10, RunningTotal__c=10)
ChildObject__c(id=8, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(3), Amount__c=40, RunningTotal__c=50)
ChildObject__c(id=9, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(3), Amount__c=10, RunningTotal__c=60)
ChildObject__c(id=10, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(3), Amount__c=10, RunningTotal__c=70)
ChildObject__c(id=11, Parent__c=ParentObject__c(3), Amount__c=30, RunningTotal__c=100)

Here is the plugin implementation:

# examples/sum_totals.py
from random import randint, shuffle

from snowfakery.plugins import SnowfakeryPlugin, PluginResult

def parts(total, step):
    """Split a number into a randomized set of 'pieces'.
    The pieces add up to the number. E.g.

    parts(12, 3) -> [3, 6, 3]
    parts(16, 4) -> [8, 4, 4]

    >>> assert len(parts(12, 3)) > 1
    >>> assert sum(parts(12, 3)) == 12
    assert total % step == 0
    pieces = []

    while sum(pieces) < total:
        top = (total - sum(pieces)) / step
        pieces.append(randint(1, top) * step)

    return pieces

class Summation(PluginResult):
    """Represent a group of pieces"""

    def __init__(self, total, step):
        self.total = total
        self.pieces = parts(total, step)

    def count(self, null=None):
        return len(self.pieces)

    def next_amount(self):
        rc = self.pieces.pop()
        return rc

class SummationPlugin(SnowfakeryPlugin):
    """Plugin which generates a summataion helper"""

    class Functions:
        def summer(self, total, step):
            return Summation(total, step)

Custom Providers

To write a new Provider, please refer to the documentation for Faker

Example of a custom provider

Here is an example of a simple provider:

# examples/plugins/tla_provider.py
import string
import random
from faker.providers import BaseProvider

class Provider(BaseProvider):
    def ThreeLetterAcronym(self):
        alpha = string.ascii_uppercase
        letters = random.choices(alpha, k=3)
        acronym = "".join(letters)
        return acronym

A recipe can refer to the provider like this:

# examples/use_custom_provider.yml
- plugin: tla_provider.Provider
- object: Company
      fake: ThreeLetterAcronym

Note the relative paths between these two files.

examples/use_custom_provider.yml refers to examples/plugins/tla_provider.py as tla_provider.Provider because the plugins folder is in the search path described in How Snowfakery Finds Plugins.